Google AdSense Sign In.

Google AdSense sign in

"You got very excited with this step and I am sure you just can’t wait to see your website or blog start generating money for you. This is perfectly fine and let me tell you we all have gone through it, when we signed in with Google AdSense".

Before moving further ,if you want to learn about "how to get google adsense account approval for website or for your blog",pl go through this article,once you finished reading the current article.

Google AdSense has always been our best buddy and is the first step for all the bloggers, in their journey towards making profit from their blogs, website or you-tube videos.

But there is one more step, through which some of us bloggers have also gone through, and that is Google AdSense -rejection or   Google AdSense-disapproval.

Take A Break,Before signing-in..

Reading this article might just be enough to save you from this disaster of Google AdSense -rejection, right in the beginning of your advertising and blogging career.

But don’t get carried away with Google AdSense sign up.

 This article might just be your saviour, and reading this article might prevent you from getting rejected from Google AdSense.

 And I am very sure you do not want to be one getting rejected from Google AdSense after signing in. No hurry… you can sign in in Google AdSense after reading this article also, but before signing in Google AdSense, you  better make sure the criteria is fulfilled or be prepared to get rejected by Google AdSense.

Challenges For New Blogger
AdSense approval from Google could be one of the challenging things, which a new blogger have to face.

 Not necessarily that all the new bloggers go through these challenges but certain misleading information posts and misleading U-tube channel videos tend to mislead this new blogger and unfortunately, one has to face disapproval from Google AdSense.

Here's Your Rescue.
Here in this article we try to learn and share some very important information regarding AdSense approval.

 The practical steps mentioned here are of utmost importance and one must follow the steps and always stick to clean habits, genuine posts and never ever use copyrighted material or never ever copy content from somebody else’s website and use it on your blog or website
A new blogger is always tempted to do all the aforementioned things as these are the easiest and quick ways for setting up your blog and increasing your content, or shall I say quickly way to make money.

Beware Of Consequences 

Illegal and manipulate ways, will surely get you in trouble. A new blogger who is always tempted for doing these illegal and manipulative things as is shown on certain U-tube videos as tips & tricks or from quick money making ideas.

 But such a new blogger is unaware of the consequences of doing manipulation and playing tricks with Google. Sooner or later such a blogger has to either face a disapproval of AdSense account or probably getting banned permanently. And for some bloggers this might be the end of their blogging career.

Here's Help For You..

This article focuses on genuine, legitimate and clean ways, helping your blog to rank on Google and also will help you in getting good traffic on your blog.

 The main aim of this article is to help you, for getting AdSense approval, thus it will help you in making a strong foundation and an excellent platform on which you can build on.

Getting AdSense approval is  the very first step in monetising your blog, in other words it is a very first step which marks  the beginning of your money making  from your blog.   

..Don't Get Misguided..

There are few bloggers who under the influence of some misleading posts and videos get misguided and they  apply for AdSense approval  immediately,after creating  their very first Blogpost. On And this is the usual practice which is shown on most of the you-tube videos.

The reason why such, wrong  and misleading step is shown on U-tube videos is for increasing the length of their video, and for doing that they combine two separate videos …namely ,how to create blog on and how to sign in Google AdSense, but they forget to instruct their viewers when to apply for Google AdSense.

When to Apply for Google Adsense Account.

The very first Blog post, created by the blogger could be of any length 500 to 3000 words , but it is always insufficient for the approval of your AdSense account, purely on the basis of one blog post.

Also one more important reason is Google wants you to apply only after a period of few months because by that time goggle wants you to, grow and develop your blogging skills before you start advertising.

On the other hand, if you were to apply immediately after your first post creation the only thing what you can expect is to see a rejection letter in your mail, or disapproval letter from Google AdSense These are the very basic but very common mistakes, which are performed by a new blogger only to see his blog getting in trouble.

Do's And Dons

Never ever do these above mentioned mistakes, which will surely and certainly make you fall in trouble. Consequences of these mistakes will only land you with the rejected AdSense account or a disapproved of AdSense account and you will have to work all the more, very hard for getting your AdSense account re-approved.

Don't Get Demotivated...

Getting the AdSense approval for a blog which was rejected once or was disapproved of by AdSense becomes more difficult and complicated task.

 This troublesome mistake of getting your AdSense account disapproved might further demotivate you, right in the beginning of your career.

 It is always better to equip yourself with the correct information and take proper steps in the beginning itself.

 Don’t be in a hurry to submit your blog for AdSense approval, take proper steps and meet the above mentioned criteria and then apply for the AdSense account. You must perform before submitting your application for AdSense approval.

In our next blog, we will learn about few more important prerequisites which a blogger must follow in order to get AdSense approval.
 We strongly suggest you to read our next article, which focuses on the practical steps and instructions for building a successful blog and will guarantee your AdSense approval.
If you have any questions or suggestion please , post them in the comments section below and I will surely reply them ,also post if you had any similar experience.


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